At Foshwa store, we accept payment for your order using Credit Cards.

Secure Sockets Layer: uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest and most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables the encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, during your online transactions. All forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so that your personal information remains safe and out of reach of malicious people.

1. Pay with Credit Card:

   You can use any of the payment types listed below to pay for your order. We take your security very seriously, therefore your details are safe with us.Please note that does not collect your credit card number or personal information when you make a payment. We also take fraud very seriously too, so all credit and debit card holders are subject to validation and authorisation by both us and the card issuer. To better protect our customers when making online payments by card you may be presented with 3D secure security measures when paying. This is dependent on your bank issuer and may require you to enter a password or get a security code via email or phone, or the bank issuer requires additional interaction, either through fingerprint, two-factor authentication, or similar methods based on authentication factors. For more questions regarding the authentication, please consult your card-issuing bank for information.

If you have any questions or concerns about our payment methods, please contact us at:

Address: 944 Berganot Trl, Castle Pines, CO 80108, USA

Email us: [email protected]

Call us: +1 (281) 928-2435

Support time: Mon – Fri, 9:00AM – 5:00PM (EST)